Pipeline Resources, Inc. is a well-established independent oil and natural gas exploration company with more than 35 years of experience and a proven track record. Founded in 1989, our key focus and business strategy has been to partner with other accomplished independents, both big and small, with the common goal of developing bypassed and overlooked reservoirs primarily along the Texas gulf coast. This area of South Texas was initially developed by the major oil companies of the day, combining their collective efforts to create what is still today one of the largest oil and gas field discoveries in the lower 48 states. Between 1930 and the late 1970’s companies like Gulf Oil left behind what appeared to be either nonproductive or what would have been deemed less than economical reservoirs for the times. However, with today’s oil and gas prices and modern technology these reservoirs can provide significant reserves and provide tremendous economic gains.
Major advances in logging tools, drilling technologies, along with 3-D Seismic and proven Sub Surface Geology have become extremely effective tools for obtaining substantial oil and gas reserves. This strategy has allowed Pipeline Resources to develop more than 15 billion cubic feet (BCF) of natural gas and more than two-million barrels of oil (BO). Our behind pipe reserves are equal to or greater than the above mentioned proven reserves.
Along with our industry partners, Pipeline Resources continues to evaluate drilling prospects, while exploring future opportunities to include purchases of existing production. The future is bright for domestic oil and gas and we are extremely proud of our position within the oil and gas energy segment.